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Aaron Delz
Last update : 30/08/2024

🕵️‍♀️ Unmasking the Mystery: Tracking Referrals Like a Pro with a Single Calendar 🗓️

Ever wondered how to effortlessly track referrals from multiple sources using just ONE calendar? 🤔 Let’s dive into this simple yet powerful hack that leverages hidden fields and custom links, making your life a whole lot easier! ✨

🗝️ The Power of Hidden Fields: Your Secret Weapon 🤫

Imagine having a secret code embedded in your calendar links, revealing who referred each appointment without anyone even noticing! 🤯 That’s the magic of hidden fields.

🪄 How It Works:

  1. Create a Custom Field: In your calendar form, add a hidden single-line text field labeled “UTM” or something similar. This field will act as our secret code container.
  2. Craft Unique Links: For each influencer or referral source, create a custom link with a unique identifier at the end. For example:
  3. The Hidden Connection: When someone books through a specific link, the hidden “UTM” field automatically captures the unique identifier (e.g., “bob” or “steve”).

💡 Pro Tip: Use short, memorable identifiers for your influencers to make the links cleaner.

🤖 Automating the Magic: Let Workflows Do the Heavy Lifting 💪

Now that we have our secret codes in place, let’s automate the process of tracking and organizing these referrals.

⚙️ Setting Up the Workflow:

  1. Trigger the Workflow: Set your workflow to trigger when an appointment status is confirmed.
  2. Branch Out: Create separate branches in your workflow for each influencer, based on the unique identifier captured in the “UTM” field.
  3. Update Contact Information: Within each branch, update the contact’s profile with the corresponding influencer’s name. This step ensures easy filtering and segmentation later.

🤯 Mind-Blown Moment: You can have multiple levels of branches to accommodate a large number of influencers!

📊 The Proof is in the Filtering: Segment and Conquer Your Data 📈

With everything set up, you can now effortlessly filter your contacts based on the influencer they came from.

🔍 Filtering Made Easy:

  1. Access Contact Filters: Go to your contact list and apply a filter based on the influencer field.
  2. Instant Insights: Voila! You now have a clear view of all appointments booked through each influencer, allowing you to analyze their effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.

💡 Pro Tip: Save your filtered views as Smart Lists for quick access to frequently used segments.

🧰 Resource Toolbox: Your Gateway to Success 🚀

  • GoHighLevel: An all-in-one marketing platform that offers powerful automation features, including the ones discussed in this guide.

By implementing this simple yet effective strategy, you can unlock a whole new level of organization and insight into your referral sources. 🎉 Now go forth and conquer those calendars! 🗓️💪

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