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Gavin Thibodeau
Last update : 18/09/2024

Unearthing LinkedIn Gold: How to Build a Viral Post Database ⛏️

Ever wonder how to unlock the secrets behind viral LinkedIn content? 🤔 This is your backstage pass to building a database of top-performing posts, all without writing a single line of code! 🚀

Why This Matters: Fueling Your LinkedIn Success 💪

In the digital age, knowledge is power, and on LinkedIn, that knowledge comes from understanding what resonates with your audience. This database is your key to:

  • Content Inspiration: Uncover the magic behind viral posts in your niche and model your own content for success! ✨
  • AI-Powered Content Creation: Train AI models to write compelling LinkedIn posts that sound just like the industry leaders. 🤖
  • Influencer CRM: Build a targeted list of key players in your niche for networking and collaboration opportunities. 🤝

1. Laying the Foundation: Setting Up Your Airtable Base 🏗️

Think of Airtable as your digital warehouse for storing all the LinkedIn gold you’re about to mine.

  • Create Two Tables:

    • Creators: This table will house information about influential LinkedIn users.
    • Posts: This table will store the viral posts themselves.
  • Essential Columns:

    • Creators: Profile URL, Name, Title, Description, Followers.
    • Posts: Text Post, Creator (linked to the Creators table), Likes, Comments, Shares, Post Date, Post Link.

2. Identifying Your LinkedIn All-Stars 🌟

Start by identifying 5-10 influential figures in your niche. These are the creators whose content consistently generates buzz.

  • Head to their LinkedIn profiles and copy their profile URLs.
  • Paste these URLs into the “Profile URL” column of your “Creators” table in Airtable.

3. Unleashing the Power of Automation: 🧙‍♂️ (formerly Integromat) is your automation wizard, connecting different apps and services to do the heavy lifting for you.

  • Sign up for a free RapidAPI account: This gives you access to a treasure trove of pre-built tools, including a LinkedIn scraper.
  • Find the LinkedIn Data Scraper: Search for “LinkedIn” on RapidAPI and select the scraper by Easy.
  • Grab Your API Key: This unique code acts like your backstage pass to access the scraper’s powers.
  • Dive into Create two scenarios (automations):
    • Scenario 1: Similar Profile Scraping: This automation finds profiles similar to your chosen influencers.
    • Scenario 2: Viral Post Extraction: This automation digs into each influencer’s profile and extracts their top-performing posts.

4. Turning Data into Content Gold: Training Your AI 🧠

Now for the fun part! Use your newly acquired database to train an AI model like Dojo to write LinkedIn posts that mimic the style and tone of your chosen influencers.

  • Download your “Posts” table from Airtable as a CSV file.
  • Upload this CSV file into Dojo’s training data section.
  • Train your AI model on this data, and watch it learn to write like the pros!

5. Resource Toolbox 🧰

Level Up Your LinkedIn Game 🚀

You now hold the keys to unlocking a goldmine of LinkedIn insights! Use this knowledge to craft compelling content, automate your workflow, and become a thought leader in your field.

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