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Josh Pocock
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Last update : 18/09/2024

The Future of Value Creation: 🧠 🚀

This is not your average guide. This is a deep dive into the rapidly changing landscape of tech, where AI coding is rewriting the rules and traditional “moats” are evaporating faster than you can say “ChatGPT.” 🤯

The Big Shift: Coding is No Longer King 🏰

Remember when being a coding whiz was the ultimate competitive edge? Those days are fading fast. Why? Because AI is making coding accessible to everyone.

The Old Moat: Building complex systems that were difficult to replicate. Think Google’s search algorithms or Amazon’s recommendation engine.

The New Moat: Human-centered skills like:

  • ✨ Creativity: Coming up with innovative solutions and product ideas.
  • ❤️ Empathy: Deeply understanding user needs and building products that resonate.
  • 🔮 Vision: Anticipating market trends and shaping the future.

Introducing the STRIDE Framework: Your Roadmap to Success 🗺️

To thrive in this new world, you need a framework that goes beyond just code. Enter STRIDE:

  • 🤝 Synergy: Align all aspects of your business for maximum impact. Think Apple’s ecosystem.
  • 🔄 Transformation: Be a driver of change, not just a reactor. Think Netflix’s evolution.
  • 🎯 Relevance: Stay laser-focused on evolving user needs. Think of it as your company’s social intelligence.
  • 🚀 Innovation: Don’t just create products, create new possibilities. Think SpaceX.
  • 📊 Data-Driven: Make decisions based on insights, not hunches. Think Amazon’s data mastery.
  • ❤️ Engagement: Turn customers into raving fans. Think “founder mode” and building genuine connections.

Practical Tip: Pick one element of the STRIDE framework and brainstorm how you can apply it to your business or project this week.

Mastering the AI Coding Toolkit: Cursor, v0, and Claude 🧰

These tools are your secret weapons for building faster and smarter. Here’s how to wield them like a pro:

1. Context is King 👑

AI is powerful, but it’s not psychic (yet!). Provide clear and detailed instructions, explaining your project goals and constraints.

Example: Instead of saying “build me a website,” say “build me a website for a sustainable clothing brand, with a focus on minimalist design and ethical sourcing.”

2. Build Incrementally 🧱

Start with the foundation and gradually add complexity. This helps the AI understand your project’s evolution.

Example: Begin with a basic landing page, then add features like a product catalog and checkout process.

3. Embrace Consistency 📐

Use consistent naming conventions and coding styles throughout your project. This makes it easier for the AI to understand your codebase.

Practical Tip: Create a style guide for your project, even if it’s just for yourself.

4. v0: Your UI Prototyping Powerhouse 🚀

Generate UI components in a flash using natural language prompts. Then refine and customize your designs in Claude or Cursor.

Example: “Create a sleek and modern navigation bar with a dropdown menu for product categories.”

5. Claude: Your Code Generation Guru 🤖

Generate code snippets, optimize algorithms, and get explanations for complex code.

Example: “Write a function that calculates the distance between two points on a map.”

6. Strategic Tool Combinations 🤝

Use the strengths of each tool to your advantage.

Example: Prototype UI in v0, refine code in Claude, and use Cursor for complex logic and backend functionality.

7. Optimize Your Prompting Game ✍️

Be specific, break down complex tasks, and iterate on your prompts to get the best results.

Example: Instead of “build me a chatbot,” say “build me a chatbot that can answer customer questions about product shipping and returns.”

Practical Tip: Keep a running document of your most effective prompts for future reference.

Resources to Accelerate Your Journey:

The Future is Now: Embrace It 🚀

The world of tech is evolving at warp speed. By embracing AI, adopting a human-centered approach, and continuously learning, you can position yourself at the forefront of this exciting new era.

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