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Last update : 30/08/2024

📈 Skyrocket Sales with AI-Powered Personalized Videos

👋 Imagine this: You’re sending cold emails that grab attention, feel incredibly personal, and get people booking meetings left and right. That’s the power of personalized video, and this guide reveals how to automate the entire process with AI!

🧠 The Power of Observation-Based Personalization

Forget generic greetings – we’re diving into hyper-personalized outreach that makes prospects feel like you’ve done your homework (because you have!).

🎯 Why it Works:

People are bombarded with generic sales pitches every day. To cut through the noise, your message needs to resonate on a personal level. By finding a genuine reason to connect, you instantly become more interesting.

💡 Example:

Instead of saying “I loved your website,” try “Congrats on your recent funding round! I imagine scaling sales is a top priority.” See the difference?

🤯 Surprising Fact:

Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened!

🚀 Actionable Tip:

Before reaching out, identify at least one specific detail about the prospect or their company that demonstrates genuine interest.

🤖 Building Your AI-Powered Video System

Ready to automate the magic? We’ll use a simple three-part system:

1. Research: Relevance AI

This powerful tool digs deep to uncover valuable insights about your prospects.

  • Hiring: Is the company looking for sales reps? That’s a golden opportunity to pitch your services!
  • Funding: Recent funding rounds signal growth mode, making them more receptive to solutions that boost sales.

2. Personalization: Sendspark

This tool takes your pre-recorded videos and seamlessly integrates personalized elements:

  • Name: Say goodbye to “watermelon” greetings! Sendspark automatically swaps in your prospect’s name using your own voice.
  • Website: It dynamically displays the prospect’s website in the background, making the video feel tailored to them.

3. Outreach: Instantly

This platform automates your email campaigns, ensuring your personalized videos reach the right people at the right time.

🤯 Surprising Fact:

Personalized video emails can result in a 500% increase in open rates!

🚀 Actionable Tip:

Start with a simple setup using Sendspark for name and website personalization. Once you’re comfortable, explore advanced research capabilities with Relevance AI.

🚀 From Zero to 30+ Meetings a Month

This system isn’t just about personalization; it’s about driving tangible results. Here’s how it all comes together:

  1. Trigger: A new lead enters your CRM (e.g., HubSpot).
  2. Research: Relevance AI analyzes the lead’s company, looking for key observations like hiring needs or funding announcements.
  3. Video Selection: Based on the research, the system selects the most relevant video template (e.g., “Hiring” or “Funding”).
  4. Personalization: Sendspark personalizes the chosen video with the prospect’s name and website.
  5. Outreach: Instantly sends the personalized video email, initiating a powerful and engaging conversation.

🧰 Resource Toolbox:

✨ Level Up Your Outreach Game

By combining the power of AI with personalized video, you’re not just sending emails; you’re creating memorable experiences that open doors and drive conversions. It’s time to ditch the generic and embrace the future of sales outreach!

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