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Badr Laajali
Last update : 23/08/2024

Mastering Your Inbox: Building a Personalized AI Email Assistant 🤖

Tired of drowning in emails and wishing for a magic wand to make them disappear? We’ve all been there! 🤯 This guide, based on Badr Laajali’s YouTube video, explores how to build your very own AI-powered email assistant using Flowise and Make. Get ready to reclaim your time and achieve inbox zero! 🚀

1. Laying the Foundation: Analyzing Your Email Needs 🏗️

Before diving into the exciting world of AI and automation, it’s crucial to understand your specific email challenges. Think of it as building a house – a strong foundation is key! 🏘️

Key Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • What are my biggest email pain points?
  • How much time do I spend on emails daily? ⌚
  • What types of emails are the most time-consuming?
  • Which tasks can be automated without compromising quality?

Answering these questions provides a roadmap for creating an email assistant tailored to your needs.

Pro Tip: Badr offers a free audit to help analyze your automation needs. Check out the link in the toolbox! 🧰

2. Introducing the Dynamic Duo: Flowise and Make 🤝

Flowise and Make are the power couple of automation, allowing us to build a robust email assistant.

Flowise: Your AI-Powered Brain 🧠

Flowise, using the new “Sequential Agents” feature, acts as the brain of our operation. It analyzes incoming emails and makes decisions based on predefined rules and your personalized preferences.

Make (formerly Integromat): Your Automation Workhorse 💪

Make steps in to automate tasks based on Flowise’s decisions. This includes things like applying labels, sending automated responses, and even triggering other actions based on email content.

3. Building Your Email Workflow: A Step-by-Step Approach 🪜

Let’s break down the workflow for our AI email assistant:

  1. Email Arrives: A new email lands in your inbox. 📥

  2. Flowise Analyzes: Flowise analyzes the email’s content, subject, and sender based on your pre-defined criteria (e.g., urgency, newsletter subscription, etc.).

  3. Labels are Applied: Flowise assigns a label to the email, categorizing it for easy sorting (e.g., “Urgent,” “To Review,” “Unsubscribe”). 🏷️

  4. Response Needed?: Flowise determines if a response is required.

  5. Drafting a Response: If a response is needed, Flowise, drawing on your past emails and writing style, generates a draft reply. ✍️

  6. Make Takes Action: Make swings into action by applying the assigned label in your email client and, if needed, saving the drafted response for your review.

4. Benefits of an AI Email Assistant: Reclaim Your Time & Sanity! 🎉

Investing time in building an AI email assistant pays off big time:

  • Reduced Email Overwhelm: Spend less time sorting and managing emails. 😌
  • Increased Productivity: Focus your energy on high-priority tasks. 🎯
  • Improved Email Organization: Easily find the emails you need, when you need them. 🗂️
  • Faster Response Times: Draft replies in a flash, even for complex emails. ⚡

5. Taking it Further: The Possibilities are Endless! 💡

The email assistant we built is just the beginning! Think about other processes in your work or personal life that you can automate. Share your ideas in the comments!


Imagine automating meeting scheduling, invoice processing, or even social media management using the same Flowise and Make principles.

Toolbox 🧰

Here are some of the resources mentioned in the video to help you get started:

Free Resources:

  • Flowise Introduction:
  • TheDigit@list Discord Community:

Badr’s Flowise Course:



  • Individual Consultation:

Recommended Tools (Affiliate Links):

  • VAPI (Voice Assistant):
  • Make (Automation):
  • (Marketing):
  • BotPress Studio (Chatbot):
  • Railway (Infrastructure):

By embracing the power of AI and automation, you can transform your relationship with email from one of stress to one of control. 😉 Now go forth and conquer your inbox!

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