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Tina Huang
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Last update : 28/08/2024

πŸ™ Lunch & Learn: How to 10x Your Learning with AI πŸš€

πŸ€” What Do You Want to Learn?

Before diving in, let’s define your learning objective. What skills or knowledge do you want to acquire? Write it down! πŸ“ This is your learning journey.

🧠 The Power of Meta-Learning: Planning for Success

Did you know that spending 10% of your study time planning can drastically improve your learning? That’s the power of meta-learning! 🀯

We’ll use the Why, What, How framework:

  • Why? Why do you want to learn this? (intrinsic or extrinsic motivation). πŸ’‘
    • Intrinsic: Learning for personal enjoyment (e.g., learning AI for fun). πŸ˜„
    • Extrinsic: Learning for a specific purpose (e.g., learning AI for a new career). πŸ’Ό
  • What? What specific concepts, facts, and procedures do you need to master? 🧠
    • Concepts: The big ideas you need to understand.
    • Facts: Key information and details to memorize.
    • Procedures: Practical skills to practice and apply.
  • How? What are the most effective methods and resources? πŸ› οΈ
    • Benchmarking: Research how others have successfully learned this.
    • Emphasize/Exclude: Focus on what aligns with your “Why” and tailor your approach.

πŸ€– AI: Your Personal Learning Assistant

AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize your learning! Here’s how:

  • Prompting for What:
    • “You’re an expert learning tutor familiar with Scott Young’s ‘Ultra Learning’. Help me create a study plan for [Your Topic] based on the Why, What, How framework. My ‘Why’ is [Your Reason]…”
    • Refine the AI’s suggestions based on your existing knowledge and goals.
  • Prompting for How:
    • “Let’s benchmark how experts approach [Your Topic].”
    • Ask the AI to analyze YouTube videos or online resources for insights into successful learning strategies.

🎬 Example: Leveling Up Your YouTube Skills

Let’s say you want to create engaging YouTube videos. Here’s how you can use the framework and AI:

  • Why: “I want to share my knowledge and passion for [Your Niche] with the world and build a community.” 🌎
  • What:
    • Concepts: Storytelling, authenticity on camera, content strategy, basic editing.
    • Facts: Audio/lighting fundamentals, gear specs.
    • Procedures: Storyboarding, on-camera practice, setting up gear.
  • How:
    • Benchmarking: Analyze successful YouTubers in your niche (e.g., Ali Abdaal, Mark Rober). What are their processes?
    • Emphasize/Exclude: Prioritize storytelling and on-camera presence, as those align with your “Why.”

πŸš€ Your Next Steps

  1. Define your learning goal – What do YOU want to learn? πŸ€”
  2. Determine your “Why” – Why is this important to you? πŸ’‘
  3. Use the AI prompting examples to generate a detailed “What” and “How” πŸ€–
  4. Start learning and iterating on your plan! πŸ”

🧰 Resources:

  • Ultra Learning by Scott Young:
  • ChatGPT:
  • **(Add 5-10 relevant YouTube channels, courses, or websites specific to your learning goal. Include a brief explanation for each) **

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