🕵️‍♀️ Unmasking the Mystery: Tracking Referrals Like a Pro with a Single Calendar 🗓️

🗓️ Track referrals effortlessly with ONE calendar! 🕵️‍♀️ Use hidden fields in booking links to secretly identify referrers. For example: yourcalendarlink.com/?ref=bob.
💪 Automate with workflows! When an appointment is confirmed, a workflow can tag the contact with the referrer’s name based on the hidden field.
📈 Analyze and conquer! Easily filter contacts by referrer to measure their effectiveness and make data-driven decisions. 📊 This simple hack brings powerful organization and insights! 🎉

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🚀 Supercharge Your Workflows: Connecting Google Drive & Gmail to Make.com

Connect Google Drive and Gmail to Make.com to automate tasks and boost productivity! 🚀 First, establish a secure connection: enable APIs in Google Cloud Console, configure OAuth consent, and generate credentials. 🔐 Next, link Make.com by adding Google Drive and Gmail modules.
Now, automate tasks like saving email attachments to Drive 📁 or creating Google Docs from drafts. 📝 Pro tip: publish your OAuth consent screen for uninterrupted automation. Make.com integration empowers you to reclaim valuable time and focus on what matters. ⏳

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🔓 Mastering Data Storage in Make.com: Your No-Code Toolkit 🧰

Unlock Make.com’s data power! 🧰 Effortlessly manage information without coding. 🤯
Find data instantly: The “Search Rows” module acts like a librarian, locating specific info in your database. Imagine verifying contest entries for duplicates in seconds! ⏱️
Update or create seamlessly: Modify existing data with “Update a Row” and add new entries with “Add a Row”. Think automatic customer order updates or assigning unique voucher codes. 🎟️
Go beyond spreadsheets: Connect Make to Airtable, CRMs, and more! Manage projects, customers, and inventory in one streamlined workflow. 📈
Start automating like a pro! 🚀

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🐝 Unlocking the Hive Mind: How Beehiiv’s New Features Can Catapult Your Newsletter 🐝

Beehiiv revolutionizes newsletters with its new app feature! 📱 Readers access your content exclusively, receiving instant notifications for new posts and comments. 🔔 This boosts engagement and fosters a thriving community. Imagine your favorite blog with its own interactive app—that’s Beehiiv’s power! 💪 Real-time notifications increase open rates and SEO ranking, while push notifications can boost engagement by 88%! 📈 Ready to build your dream newsletter? 🚀 Visit Beehiiv today and unlock a world of possibilities! ✨

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🚀 Supercharge Your Cold Email: GoDaddy, Inframail & Instantly Setup

Boost your cold email success with a powerful setup using GoDaddy, Inframail, and Instantly. 🚀
Domain Setup: Migrate your GoDaddy domain to Inframail for easy management and mailbox creation. 🌐
Mailbox Magic: Instantly generate multiple mailboxes per domain with strong passwords. 📨
Warm-Up Wonders: Instantly warms up your inbox, boosting sender reputation and deliverability. 🔥
Effortless Configuration: Inframail automates technical setup like DKIM and DMARC. 🤯
Result: A high-deliverability cold email system that lands you in inboxes, not spam folders. 🏆

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Local LLM Superpowers: Your Guide to Tool Calling with Ollama 🤖✨

Local LLMs can now access external tools and APIs, making them vastly more powerful. 🤖 Ollama’s new function calling feature, combined with Groq’s fine-tuned Llama 3 model, makes this possible. You can build AI agents with LangChain that can search the web, retrieve information from databases, and interact with the world around them. 🌐 This is a game-changer for AI development, making powerful AI capabilities accessible to everyone. 🚀 Try it out and see what you can build! 🛠️

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🚀 Mastering Domain Whitelisting for Your Chatbot 🛡️

Domain whitelisting boosts chatbot security by limiting access to trusted websites. 🔐 Add allowed domains in your bot’s settings and test accessibility. Ensure your bot is only available where you want it. 👍 [Link to Botpress website for building secure chatbots]. 🤖

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🎉 Meta Unleashes the Llama 3 Herd! 🦙

🦙 Meta’s Llama 3 is here! 🤯
🧠 Bigger context (128k tokens), better reasoning, and multilingual support! 🌎
🏆 Impressive benchmark results, rivaling GPT-4 and Claude. 💪
🛠️ Built for tool use, making AI more practical. 🧰
🚀 The future is multimodal with image, video, and speech capabilities on the horizon! 🎤📸
Ready to explore the Llama 3 herd? 🤔 Check out the resources above and start building the future of AI!

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Sciphi Triplex: A Powerful and Cost-Effective Alternative to Microsoft Graph RAG 🚀

Sciphi Triplex: A cheaper and more efficient alternative to Microsoft Graph RAG. 🧠 It extracts entities and relationships from text, creating a knowledge graph. 📊 Use cases: Basic RAG embeds data for general search. Graph RAG extracts knowledge for precise answers. Sciphi Triplex can be run with Hugging Face, Ollama (locally), or simplified using R2R for seamless integration with Neo4j. 🔗 Check the resources for detailed guides and comparisons. Try it yourself and revolutionize your AI projects! 🚀

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👋 Etsy: One Year Later – My Honest Review 🕵️

Etsy can be a challenging platform for sellers. ⚠️ Unpredictable policies, payment holds, and ineffective ads create obstacles. 👎 While Etsy offers a large customer base, relying solely on it is risky. Instead, explore alternatives like building a website or utilizing platforms like Cartra (https://kartra.com/markon). 💻 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket – diversify your income and control your business’s destiny! 🚀

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