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Brett Malinowski
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Last update : 04/09/2024

From Zero to $3.15M: A Teen Entrepreneur’s Bike Park Journey 🚴‍♂️⛰️

This is the story of Rhett, a 19-year-old entrepreneur who turned his passion for mountain biking into a thriving business. We’ll break down his journey, uncovering the lessons learned and the audacious vision that fuels his next big move.

💡 The Spark: Turning Passion into a Project

Rhett’s journey began in an unconventional school that encouraged real-world projects. Hating traditional homework, he found his calling building a small bike park in his neighborhood. This project, though modest, ignited a fire in him. 🔥

Key Takeaway: Sometimes, all it takes is a small project to uncover a larger passion. Don’t underestimate the power of diving into something you enjoy!

Pro Tip: 💡 Identify something you love doing and explore ways to turn it into a tangible project.

🚀 The Leap: A Billionaire’s Nudge and a Bold Vision

A pivotal moment occurred when a mentor, a renowned billionaire, challenged Rhett to dream bigger. He planted the seed: “You can raise $3 million and build a proper bike park.” This vote of confidence was all it took. 💪

Key Takeaway: Having someone believe in you, especially a mentor, can be the push you need to take that leap of faith.

Pro Tip: Seek out mentors who inspire you and aren’t afraid to challenge you to think bigger.

🏗️ The Hustle: LinkedIn, Land Hunts, and Trailblazing

Armed with a simple Google Slides pitch deck, 17-year-old Rhett cold-messaged 550 people on LinkedIn – individuals who identified as both mountain bikers and investors. This unconventional approach, combined with relentless land searching and overcoming construction challenges, led to him securing $3.15 million in funding. 💰

Key Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to reach out to people, even cold messaging. Clearly communicate your vision and demonstrate your dedication.

Pro Tip: Craft a compelling pitch deck that highlights the problem you’re solving, your solution, and why you’re the right person to lead the charge.

⛰️ The Learning Curve: Trail Building is More Than Digging Dirt

Rhett candidly shares his biggest lesson: underestimating the complexity of trail building. He learned that it’s a science involving precise grading, drainage, and managing experienced builders – all while being an 18-year-old leader. 😅

Key Takeaway: Thorough planning and meticulous execution are critical, especially in a niche industry. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your shortcomings and learn from your mistakes.

Pro Tip: Before diving headfirst into a project, thoroughly research and understand all aspects of the process.

🌎 The Future: A World-Class Bike Park and a Mission-Driven Life

Rhett’s vision extends far beyond Station Mountain, his current bike park in Texas. He’s determined to build the world’s best bike park, a haven for mountain bikers with 100+ trails and an unmatched rider experience. But his ultimate goal is even more inspiring: creating a highly effective charity to combat world hunger.

Key Takeaway: Passion and profit can go hand in hand. Use your entrepreneurial drive to fuel both your personal goals and a larger mission.

Pro Tip: Identify a cause you deeply care about. Explore ways your entrepreneurial pursuits can contribute to making a tangible difference.

🧰 Resource Toolbox:

Rhett’s story is a powerful reminder that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your passions and making a real-world impact. His unwavering belief, relentless work ethic, and commitment to a cause greater than himself make him a true pioneer to watch. Who knows, maybe his story will inspire you to unearth your own entrepreneurial spirit! 🚀

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