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Last update : 28/08/2024

🚀 Feedback on Autopilot: Conquer Your Inbox with AI 🤖

Tired of drowning in feedback? 🌊 Let’s automate it! This is how to process feedback like a pro using the power of AI and a sprinkle of Zapier magic. ✨

Why This Matters 🤔

Imagine effortlessly turning piles of feedback into actionable gold. This isn’t just about saving time; it’s about understanding your audience better and making smarter decisions. 🧠

1. Building Your Feedback Funnel 📝

  • Headline: Create a Simple Feedback Form
  • Explanation: Design a user-friendly form with clear questions. Think about what information would be most helpful.
  • Example: Two questions work wonders: “What do you like about the program?” and “What can I do to improve it?”
  • Fact: Forms are like friendly questionnaires, making it easy for people to share their thoughts!
  • Action Tip: Use Zapier’s form builder for a seamless experience.

2. Inviting the AI Assistant 🤖

  • Headline: Unleash the Power of ChatGPT
  • Explanation: Connect your form to ChatGPT using Zapier’s magic. Craft a prompt asking ChatGPT to analyze the feedback and generate actionable tasks.
  • Example: “Write a numbered list of actionable tasks based on the feedback received from a user.”
  • Fact: ChatGPT can understand and process large amounts of text, making it your personal feedback analyst!
  • Action Tip: Experiment with different prompts to get the best results from ChatGPT.

3. Organizing the Insights 📊

  • Headline: Send Actionable Items to a Spreadsheet
  • Explanation: Automatically send ChatGPT’s output (those beautiful, actionable tasks!) to a spreadsheet for easy viewing and organization.
  • Example: Create columns for “What’s Good,” “What’s Bad,” and “Action Items.”
  • Fact: Spreadsheets are like digital notebooks, keeping your valuable insights neatly organized.
  • Action Tip: Use Google Sheets for seamless integration with Zapier.

4. Adding a Personal Touch 💌

  • Headline: Send Thank-You Emails (Optional, but Awesome!)
  • Explanation: If a user provides an email address, use Zapier to automatically send a personalized thank-you note.
  • Example: “Hi there! This is an AI response letting you know I received your feedback. Here are the action items generated from your input.”
  • Fact: A little appreciation goes a long way in building stronger connections.
  • Action Tip: Be transparent that the initial response is AI-generated.

The Feedback Transformation ✨

By connecting these simple steps, you’ve created a system that automatically collects, analyzes, and organizes feedback, giving you more time to focus on what truly matters.

Toolbox 🧰

  • Zapier: – Automate tasks by connecting your favorite apps.
  • ChatGPT: – Your AI-powered writing assistant.
  • Google Sheets: – Keep your data organized and accessible.
  • Typeform: – Create beautiful, engaging forms.

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Last update : 23/08/2024