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Aaron Delz
Last update : 13/09/2024

🚀 Effortlessly Score Leads & Automate Your Workflow

Tired of manually sifting through lead applications? 😩 This guide reveals how to build an automated lead scoring system using Make (formerly Integromat), a powerful and budget-friendly Zapier alternative.

🧲 Why Automated Lead Scoring Matters

Imagine this: a flood of applications hits your inbox. 😵‍💫 Instead of drowning in paperwork, your automated system instantly:

  • Qualifies leads: Identifies hot prospects likely to convert. 🔥
  • Prioritizes your efforts: Focuses your energy on the most promising leads. 🎯
  • Boosts efficiency: Saves you time and resources by automating tedious tasks. 🤖

📝 Blueprint for Success: Mapping Your Questions & Scores

Before diving into automation, define your scoring system.

  1. List your questions: Jot down key questions that reveal a lead’s potential.
    Example: Do you run an agency? How many clients do you have?
  2. Assign point values: Allocate points based on the desirability of each answer.
    Example: “Yes” to running an agency = 2 points.

This creates a clear framework for your automation to follow.

⚙️ Building Your Scoring Machine with Make

  1. Create Custom Fields in HighLevel:

    • Head to “Settings” and then “Custom Fields.”
    • Add fields for each question, ensuring the answer choices match your spreadsheet.
    • Use field types like “Drop Down,” “Number,” and “Monetary” for accurate data input.
  2. Design Your Lead Capture Form:

    • Go to “Sites,” then “Forms,” and select “Form Builder.”
    • Add your custom fields to the form, making essential ones “Required.”
  3. Integrate with Your Calendar (Optional):

    • If using a calendar booking system, link your form under “Calendar Settings.”
  4. Set Up the Automation Workflow in HighLevel:

    • Navigate to “Automations” and create a new workflow triggered by “Appointment Confirmed.”
    • Add a “Webhook” action to send data to Make.
  5. Configure the Scoring Logic in Make:

    • Create a new scenario in Make, starting with a “Custom Webhook.”
    • Use “Set Multiple Variables” to define each question and its scoring logic.
    • Employ functions like “Switch” for dropdown answers and “If” for number ranges.
  6. Send Automated Notifications via Slack:

    • Add a “Slack” action to your Make scenario.
    • Customize your message with lead details, answers, and the calculated score.

💡 Pro Tips for Automation Mastery

  • Test Thoroughly: Use Make’s testing features to ensure your scoring logic is flawless.
  • Iterate and Improve: Analyze results and refine your questions or scoring system over time.
  • Explore Make’s Potential: Discover advanced features like conditional paths and integrations.

🧰 Resource Toolbox

✨ Transform Your Lead Management

By automating your lead scoring, you unlock a world of possibilities. Focus on building relationships, closing deals, and growing your business while your automated system works tirelessly in the background. 🚀

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