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The Sousa Brothers
Last update : 30/08/2024

Effortless Client Onboarding: Automate & Save Hours ⏰

👋 Let’s face it, onboarding new clients can feel like drowning in paperwork and repetitive tasks. But what if you could automate the entire process and reclaim those precious hours? This breakdown reveals a simple yet powerful system to do just that!

🚀 The Power of Automated Onboarding

Why is this relevant to YOU? Think about all the time spent on:

  • 📑 Drafting and sending contracts
  • 📁 Creating and organizing client folders
  • 📧 Sending welcome emails
  • 💬 Setting up communication channels

Automating these tasks not only saves time but also ensures consistency and a professional first impression.

🛠️ Building Your Onboarding Machine

This system uses, a powerful automation tool, to connect the dots between your favorite apps. Here’s how it works:

1. The Trigger: A Simple Form 📝

  • It all starts with a form (think Google Forms, Typeform, etc.).
  • Collect essential client info: name, business, email, tax ID, etc.
  • This form becomes the trigger for your automation.

2. The Magic: Takes Over ⚙️

  • “watches” your form for new responses.
  • Once a client submits the form, Make springs into action, triggering a chain of automated tasks.

🤖 Automating Key Onboarding Steps

Here’s where things get really exciting! Let’s explore the automated workflow:

### ✨ Contract Generation & Delivery

  • Dynamic Contracts: Create a contract template in Google Docs with placeholders for client-specific info (e.g., [[Client Name]], [[Business Name]]).
  • Make Fills the Blanks: automatically pulls the information from the form submission and populates the contract template.
  • Instant Delivery: The completed contract is automatically emailed to the client for review and signature.

### 📁 Organized & Accessible Files

  • Automated Folder Creation: instantly creates a dedicated Google Drive folder for each new client.
  • Dynamic Naming: The folder is automatically named using the client’s business name for easy identification.
  • Secure Sharing: The folder is shared with the client with appropriate permissions, providing them access to relevant documents.

### 💬 Seamless Communication

  • Welcome to Slack: Automatically create a dedicated Slack channel for each client, streamlining communication.
  • Personalized Greetings: Send a warm welcome message to the client in the newly created Slack channel.
  • Internal Notifications: Notify your team internally about the new client, ensuring everyone is in the loop.

💡 Pro Tips for Onboarding Mastery

  • Personalize It: Use the client’s name in emails and messages for a more personal touch.
  • Set Expectations: Clearly outline the next steps in the onboarding process within your welcome communication.
  • Gather Feedback: Request feedback from clients on their onboarding experience to identify areas for improvement.

🧰 Resource Toolbox

🎉 Welcome to the Future of Onboarding

By embracing automation, you can transform your client onboarding from a time-consuming chore into a seamless and efficient process. Free up your time, impress your clients, and focus on what matters most – growing your business!

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