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Eli Colussi
Last update : 30/08/2024

🚀 Supercharge Your Business with AI Phone Agents: A Make & Bland AI Power-Up 🤖

💡 Why This Matters:

Time is money, right? 💰 And in the fast-paced world of business, every minute counts. Imagine a world where you can automate those repetitive phone calls, freeing up your valuable time to focus on what truly matters – growing your business! 🤯

This guide reveals how to build your very own AI phone agent using the power of Make and Bland AI. No coding experience? No problem! We’ll guide you through every step, making it simple and accessible.

🗺️ The AI Phone Agent Blueprint:

We’re going to build a two-part system that not only makes calls but also learns and adapts:

Part 1: The Caller System

  • Airtable Integration: We’ll use Airtable to manage your lead list, storing names and phone numbers.
  • Making the Call: Bland AI will pull data from Airtable, dial those numbers, and initiate conversations using a script you define.
  • Preventing Overload: We’ll incorporate pauses to avoid overwhelming Bland’s system and ensure smooth operation.
  • Seamless Repetition: The system will automatically move to the next lead, maximizing efficiency.

Part 2: The Learning System

  • Call Analysis: Using a webhook, we’ll capture the call transcript and feed it into OpenAI’s powerful language model.
  • Sentiment Detection: OpenAI will analyze the call’s tone – was it positive, negative, or neutral?
  • Smart Follow-Up: Based on the sentiment, the system will either schedule follow-ups, gather additional information, or update the lead’s status.

🧰 Building Your AI Assistant:

1. Setting the Stage with Airtable:

  • Create an Airtable base to house your lead list.
  • Include columns for “First Name,” “Last Name,” and “Phone Number.”
  • Populate the table with your leads.

2. Harnessing the Power of Bland AI:

  • Sign Up & Explore: Create an account on Bland AI ( and get acquainted with their intuitive interface.
  • Craft Your Script: Determine the message you want your AI agent to convey. This is where you inject your brand’s personality!
  • Customize Call Settings: Adjust call duration, voice preferences, and other parameters within Bland’s settings.

3. Connecting the Dots with Make:

  • Create a New Scenario: Head over to Make ( and set up a new scenario to connect Airtable and Bland AI.
  • Airtable Integration: Use the “Airtable – Search Records” module to pull data from your lead list.
  • HTTP Request Magic: Utilize the “HTTP” module to send API requests to Bland AI, triggering those all-important calls.
  • Seamless Flow: Incorporate “Sleep” modules to introduce delays, preventing any system hiccups.
  • Repeat for Efficiency: Employ the “Repeater” module to automatically loop through your entire lead list.

4. Infusing Intelligence with OpenAI:

  • Webhook Integration: Set up a custom webhook in Make to receive call data from Bland AI.
  • Sentiment Analysis Power: Leverage the “OpenAI – Completion” module to analyze call transcripts and determine sentiment (positive, negative).
  • Smart Routing: Use “Router” modules to direct the workflow based on the sentiment analysis results.
  • Personalized Follow-Ups: Configure Make to send tailored emails, schedule appointments, or trigger other actions based on the AI’s insights.

🗝️ Key Insights:

  • Personalization is Power: Tailor your AI agent’s script to reflect your brand’s voice and resonate with your target audience.
  • Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine your scripts and workflows based on call data and feedback.
  • Start Small, Scale Up: Begin with a smaller test group of leads before unleashing your AI agent on your entire database.

🧰 Resource Toolbox:

  • Bland AI: – Your go-to platform for creating and managing AI-powered phone agents.
  • Make: – The visual automation platform that empowers you to connect apps and automate workflows effortlessly.
  • Airtable: – A flexible and user-friendly database solution for organizing your data.
  • OpenAI: – The cutting-edge AI research and deployment company behind powerful language models like GPT-3.

🚀 The Future is Now:

By embracing the power of AI phone agents, you’re not just automating tasks – you’re transforming the way you connect with customers, nurture leads, and ultimately, grow your business. The future of business is here, and it sounds amazing!

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