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Sheni Salami
Last update : 30/08/2024

Mastering Sales Call Automation: A Simple System for Maximum Impact 🚀

Let’s be real – salespeople are amazing at closing deals, but not always the best at staying organized or dealing with tech. 😥 That’s where automation comes in!

This isn’t about replacing your sales team, it’s about giving them a system that minimizes busywork and maximizes their impact. We’re talking about a simple, yet powerful setup using Calendly, Slack, and Close (CRM).

1. Understanding the Sales Battlefield ⚔️

Before we dive into the automation magic, let’s acknowledge the challenges:

  • Sales Reps: Love closing, not paperwork. 📝 They’re often tech-averse and resistant to change.
  • Sales Managers: Need accurate data to track performance and make strategic decisions. Getting this data from reps? Good luck! 🍀

The solution? A system that’s simple, automated, and beneficial for everyone.

2. The Power Trio: Calendly, Slack, and Close 🤝

Our automation system relies on three key players:

  • Calendly: Your scheduling superhero! 🗓️ Handles booking calls and sends automated reminders.
  • Slack: Keeps your team in the loop with real-time notifications. 💬
  • Close (CRM): Your central hub for managing leads, opportunities, and tracking progress. 📈

By connecting these tools, we create a seamless flow of information and action.

3. Automating Discovery Calls: From Booking to Follow-Up 🧲

Let’s break down the automation process for discovery calls:

  • Step 1: Call Booked: When a lead books a call through Calendly, the magic begins! ✨
    • CRM Check: The system automatically checks if the lead exists in your CRM.
    • Lead Creation: If the lead is new, it’s automatically created in your CRM with all the details from Calendly.
    • Slack Notification: Your sales team gets a Slack notification with key lead info and a link to the CRM record.
  • Step 2: Reschedule: If a lead reschedules, your team gets a Slack notification with the updated details.
  • Step 3: Cancellation: We handle cancellations differently depending on who initiated it:
    • Lead Cancels: The system tags the opportunity as canceled, but keeps the lead active. A Slack message reminds the team to follow up and re-engage.
    • Host Cancels: The system marks both the lead and opportunity as canceled, and notifies the team that no further action is needed.

4. Demo Calls: Streamlining the Next Stage ⏩

The automation process for demo calls follows a similar structure, but with a few key differences:

  • Simplified Flow: Since demo calls happen later in the sales cycle, we can streamline the process. No need to check for leads in external tools – everything should be in your CRM by now.
  • Focused Notifications: Slack notifications alert your team about booked, rescheduled, or canceled demo calls.
  • CRM Updates: The system automatically updates the opportunity stage based on the demo call outcome.

5. Resources: Your Automation Toolkit 🧰

Here are some tools to supercharge your sales automation:

  • Calendly: – Simplify scheduling and eliminate back-and-forth emails.
  • Slack: – Keep your team connected and informed in real-time.
  • Close (CRM): – Manage your entire sales pipeline and track performance with ease.
  • Make (formerly Integromat): – A powerful automation platform for connecting your favorite apps and services.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Sales Team to Achieve More 🏆

By implementing this simple yet effective automation system, you can free up your sales team to focus on what they do best: building relationships and closing deals. Remember, the key is to create a system that works for everyone, minimizing manual effort and maximizing results.

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