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Connor Finlayson
Last update : 25/08/2024

🚀 Launch Your No-Code Marketplace Empire in 2024!

This isn’t just another video breakdown—it’s your blueprint for building a thriving online marketplace, all without coding! We’ll unpack the exact tools and strategies used to build Unicorn Factory, New Zealand’s largest freelance marketplace.

🧲 Stage 1: Building Your Magnet

📄 Craft a Killer One-Pager (Webflow)

Forget fancy features, start by showcasing your marketplace’s soul using Webflow! Build a sleek one-page website explaining:

  • 💡 What problem you solve
  • 💪 Your unique benefits
  • ❓ How it works, FAQs, etc.
  • 📧 A contact form to capture leads

Pro Tip: Use Relume’s Webflow component library to build stunning pages in a flash! (

🗄️ Your Trusty Database (Airtable)

Organize your kingdom with Airtable, the visual and powerful database!
Create tables for:

  • 🤝 Clients – store contact form submissions
  • 🌟 Talent – list your marketplace superstars

Action Item: Connect your contact form to automatically send submissions to your Airtable client table.

🤖 Automate Like a Boss (

Ditch manual tasks with, your automation wizard! Connect Webflow and Airtable to:

  • ⚡️ Instantly send form submissions to your database
  • 💌 Add new leads to your email marketing list (e.g., MailerLite)

Example: When someone fills out your contact form, their details magically appear in your Airtable database and your email list. Boom!

🚀 Stage 2: Building Your MVP

💰 Validating Your Idea

Can you attract buyers BEFORE your platform is fully built? If so, you’re onto something special! Focus on consistently getting those contact form submissions.

🎯 Niche Down with Laser Focus

Create targeted landing pages that speak directly to specific buyer needs. Instead of a generic “Hire Freelancers” page, create pages for:

  • 🎨 Hire Top Designers
  • ✍️ Find Expert Content Writers
  • 💻 Get the Best Developers

Pro Tip: Use Webflow CMS to create hundreds of these pages automatically! Dynamic content = SEO gold!

🤝 Connecting Buyers and Sellers

Become a master connector! Facilitate introductions between clients and freelancers, either manually or through automated workflows.

🏗️ Stage 3: Scaling Up

✨ Empowering User Experiences (Glide)

Once you’re swamped with connections, it’s time to empower your users! Use Glide to create intuitive portals where clients and freelancers can:

  • Manage their accounts
  • Update profiles
  • Apply for jobs
  • Message each other

💰 Seamless Payments (Stripe)

Say goodbye to payment headaches with Stripe! This secure and versatile platform handles:

  • One-time purchases
  • Subscriptions
  • Marketplace fees
  • Usage-based billing

Remember: Choose the right Stripe features for your specific business model (e.g., Stripe Connect for marketplace fees).

🤖 Bonus Tools:

  • Relume AI Site Builder: Get AI-powered wireframes for your website to fast-track your design process. (
  • Open AI: Use AI for generating high-quality content, automating tasks, and even creating AI-powered features within your marketplace.

🎉 You’ve got this!

Building a successful marketplace takes time and effort. But with the right tools and a focus on solving real problems, you’ll be well on your way to creating something truly impactful. Good luck!

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