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Matthew Berman
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Last update : 23/08/2024

🤔 Is Strawberry Q Hiding in Plain Sight? 🕵️

Have you heard whispers of Strawberry Q, the supposed reasoning master from OpenAI? 🤫 In this adventure, we put a mysterious model named “sus-column-r” to the test! Could this be Strawberry Q in disguise? 🍓❔ Let’s dive in!

🐢 Slow and Steady Wins the Race…Maybe?

First impressions matter, and sus-column-r is undeniably slow. 🐌 However, what it lacks in speed, it might make up for in methodical thinking. This model seems to have built-in step-by-step reasoning, even when we didn’t ask for it! 🤔 Could this be a hint of Strawberry Q’s rumored planning prowess?

For example, when tasked with writing code for the game Snake, sus-column-r provided a fully functional game. 🐍🎮 It took its sweet time, but the result was impressive! ✨

🧠 Logic Ninja or Master Escape Artist?

Sus-column-r aced classic logic puzzles like the “Killers in a Room” riddle, even surpassing previous models with its detailed explanations. 🤯 But how does it handle trickier situations?

While it initially resisted attempts to extract information about breaking into cars, it eventually succumbed to the classic “history” jailbreak. 🚨 This suggests that while it might be censored, it’s not immune to clever prompting.

🤔 World Model Woes?

One of the most intriguing challenges for language models is developing a “world model,” the ability to understand and reason about the physical world like humans do. 🌎

Sus-column-r struggled with a classic “world model” problem involving walking directions. It got lost in the specifics of the North Pole instead of focusing on the geometry. 🧭 However, when the problem was rephrased to a more general location, sus-column-r provided a flawless answer! 🎉 This suggests that its world model might still be under development.

🍓 So, Is It Strawberry Q? 🍓

Sus-column-r exhibits some intriguing characteristics:

  • Methodical Reasoning: It breaks down problems step-by-step, even when not explicitly asked.
  • Logic Skills: It excels at solving logic puzzles with detailed explanations.
  • Jailbreakable: It can be tricked into providing sensitive information.
  • Developing World Model: It shows potential for understanding the physical world, but needs more refinement.

While we can’t say for sure if sus-column-r is indeed Strawberry Q, the evidence is compelling. 🤔 This model is clearly a step above the rest, showcasing advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills. 🧠

🧰 Your AI Exploration Kit:

  • Put sus-column-r and other language models through their paces!
    • Battle Mode: Witness epic AI showdowns! 🤖💥
    • Direct Chat: Have a one-on-one conversation with the model. 💬

Keep exploring, and who knows what other AI mysteries you’ll uncover! 😉

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