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Dave Ebbelaar
22 782
Last update : 23/08/2024

OpenAI Structured Output: Your Guide to Next-Level AI

This is your one-stop shop for understanding and using OpenAI’s structured output for building smarter AI systems.

Why This Matters 🤔

Imagine this: you’re building an AI-powered customer service chatbot. It needs to understand customer issues, but also trigger the right actions on the backend.

Structured output lets you do exactly that! It’s like teaching your AI to speak a precise language, making it more reliable and powerful.

1. Structured Output: The Basics 🏗️

What is it?

Think of it like this:

  • Before: Asking your AI a question was like throwing a ball in the air and hoping it landed in the right spot. You got an answer (maybe!), but it wasn’t always predictable.
  • Now: Structured output is like having a designated landing zone for your ball. You ask a question, and your AI gives you an answer in a specific, organized format.


  • Reliability: You get the data you need, in the format you need it, every single time.
  • Safety: Your AI can better detect and refuse unsafe prompts, making your systems more secure.
  • Simplicity: No more complex prompts! Get consistent formatting with less effort.

2. When to Use It 🚦

  • Building chatbots, assistants, or any system that interacts with users: Get organized responses that are easy to understand and process.
  • Creating AI-powered workflows: Trigger specific actions based on structured data from your AI.
  • Developing complex AI systems with multiple agents or pipelines: Streamline communication and data flow between different parts of your system.

3. Two Ways to Structure Your Output 🧰

Method 1: JSON Schema (The Behind-the-Scenes Option)

JSON Schema is a way to define the structure of your data. It’s powerful, but can be a bit complex.


You’re building a system to analyze customer feedback:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "sentiment": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Overall sentiment of the feedback (positive, negative, neutral)"
    "keywords": {
      "type": "array",
      "description": "List of key topics mentioned in the feedback"

Method 2: Pydantic (The Recommended Approach)

Pydantic is a Python library that makes working with structured data a breeze.


from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Feedback(BaseModel):
  sentiment: str = Field(..., description="Overall sentiment")
  keywords: list[str] = Field(..., description="Key topics mentioned") 

Why Pydantic Wins:

  • Cleaner, more readable code.
  • Built-in data validation.
  • OpenAI’s recommendation!

4. Level Up Your Structured Output 💪

  • Write Clear Descriptions: The descriptions you add to your fields are like instructions for your AI. Be specific!
  • Embrace Different Data Types: Don’t limit yourself to just text. Use:
    • Booleans (True/False): “Should we escalate this issue?”
    • Enums (Categories): “What type of customer request is this?”
  • Experiment with the Instructor Library: This library works seamlessly with OpenAI and offers even more flexibility.

5. Your Toolbox 🧰

Now you have the knowledge to build incredibly powerful and reliable AI systems using OpenAI’s structured output. Start building and see what you can create!

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