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Jason Wardrop
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Last update : 23/08/2024

🧲 Unlocking Real Estate Riches: Your Guide to Selling GoHighLevel to Agents

Let’s face it, most real estate agents struggle with the online world. They know they need leads and appointments to survive, but actually getting them? That’s where you come in, armed with the power of GoHighLevel.

This guide breaks down a proven system to connect with agents, pinpoint their pain points, and present GoHighLevel as the solution they’ve been craving.

1. 🕵️ Understand the Agent Mindset

Before you can sell anything, you need to get inside the head of a real estate agent. Remember:

  • They crave simplicity: Agents are busy people who don’t have time to become marketing gurus. They want solutions that are easy to understand and implement.
  • They’re motivated by leads and deals: Forget fancy jargon, speak their language! Focus on how your solution will help them generate more leads, book more appointments, and ultimately close more deals.
  • They need a clear ROI: Show them exactly how your services will impact their bottom line.

2. 📞 Master the Discovery Call

The key to a successful sales call is asking the right questions and really listening to the answers. Use this framework:

  • Start simple: “Hey [Name], thanks for hopping on the call. Tell me, what motivated you to book this chat today?”
  • Uncover their pain points: “What are you currently doing for lead generation? How’s that working for you? What’s the hardest part about getting consistent leads?”
  • Dig deeper: “How do you feel about continuing to run your business this way?” (This is where you gently “twist the knife” and highlight the cost of inaction).
  • Uncover their desires: “How many deals would you like to close each month? How many more leads would it take to make that happen?”
  • Establish urgency: “When are you looking to fix this?” (If it’s not “right now,” politely move on to the next prospect).

3. ✨ Present GoHighLevel as the Solution

Once you’ve uncovered their pain points and desires, position GoHighLevel as the answer they’ve been searching for:

  • Focus on outcomes: “We help real estate agents like you generate more leads and book more appointments through predictable marketing systems.”
  • Keep it simple: “We build you a done-for-you system that includes [mention key features like landing pages, Facebook ads, and follow-up systems]. This helps you get in front of more qualified leads and close more deals.”
  • Offer tailored options: Instead of overwhelming them with choices, present 2 core packages aligned with their lead generation goals (e.g., 20-30 exclusive leads/month vs. 50-60 exclusive leads/month).
  • Highlight the exclusivity factor: Unlike platforms like Zillow, emphasize that the leads you generate are exclusive to them, providing a significant competitive advantage.

4. 🤝 Close the Deal

  • Stay silent: After presenting your packages, resist the urge to over-explain. Let the client process the information and ask questions.
  • Listen for buying signals: Pay attention to phrases like “What’s the next step?” or “How do we get started?”
  • Don’t delay: If they’re ready to move forward, take payment on the call to avoid ghosting.

5. 🥊 Objection Handling

Anticipate common objections and have clear, concise responses:

  • “What if I already have a CRM?” “No problem! GoHighLevel integrates seamlessly with most CRMs, so you can keep your existing contacts and streamline your workflow.”
  • “Is ad spend included?” “To ensure you have full control and transparency, we manage your ad spend directly through your Facebook ad account. This allows us to optimize your campaigns effectively and provides you with clear reporting.”

** 🚀 Resources to Supercharge Your Success**

** 🤔 The Challenge:**

Think about a real estate agent you know. How would you tailor this script to their specific needs and pain points?

By mastering this system, you can unlock a world of opportunity in the real estate industry and help agents achieve the success they deserve.

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