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David Shapiro
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Last update : 23/08/2024

Riding the AI Wave: From Disillusionment to Renaissance (2024-2030)

Remember the early days of the internet? Clunky, confusing, and full of broken promises? 🤖 AI is having its “dial-up modem” moment. But hold on tight, because just like the internet, AI is about to revolutionize everything. This is your guide to navigating the next few years, from the potential pitfalls to the mind-blowing possibilities.

Buckle up, because the future is closer than you think.

1. 2024: The Year of the Robots 🤖

While we may not see AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) this year, hold onto your hats because robots are about to take center stage!

  • Think beyond ChatGPT: Companies like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI are racing to develop even more sophisticated AI models. Expect bigger, faster, and more capable AI, but don’t expect miracles… yet.
  • The rise of the machines: Forget clumsy toys, we’re talking advanced humanoid robots entering homes and businesses. Think robot chefs, cleaners, and even companions.
  • Why this matters: This year marks a turning point. AI is escaping the digital world and stepping into our physical lives.

💡 Your Move: Start exploring the world of consumer robotics. Research companies like Boston Dynamics and keep an eye out for early adopters. The future is automated!

2. 2025: The Disillusionment (and Opportunity!) 🤔

Remember the dot-com bubble? Prepare for a similar shake-up in the AI world.

  • Hype vs. Reality: AI models will hit impressive milestones, but AGI will likely remain elusive. This gap between expectation and reality might lead to disappointment.
  • Small businesses take the lead: Expect to see smaller companies, agile and ready to experiment, integrating AI tools and reaping the benefits.
  • Why this matters: While big players scramble to adapt, this is prime time for savvy individuals and startups to capitalize on emerging AI tools and carve their niche.

💡 Your Move: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Explore AI tools like Microsoft Copilot and see how you can leverage them in your work or personal projects.

3. 2026: AI Goes Corporate (and Gets Personal) 💼

Get ready for a seismic shift as AI finally wins over the corporate world.

  • Enterprise-grade AI: Powerful, reliable, and ready to scale, AI will finally become irresistible to Fortune 500 companies, transforming industries across the board.
  • The first truly “general purpose” AI: Imagine a single AI model capable of driving a car, running a chatbot, and analyzing complex data. This versatility will unleash an avalanche of innovation.
  • Why this matters: This is where AI stops being a novelty and becomes an essential part of our economic infrastructure. Expect to see both job creation and displacement as companies race to adapt.

💡 Your Move: Start thinking about how AI could impact your field. What skills will be in high demand? How can you position yourself for success in an AI-driven world?

4. 2027-2028: The Great Reckoning (and Renewal) 💥

Hold on tight, because things are about to get bumpy. But on the other side? A whole new world.

  • AGI arrives (probably): By this point, true AGI is highly likely, marking a profound turning point in human history. The world will never be the same.
  • Geopolitical tensions rise: As the power of AI becomes undeniable, expect to see a global scramble for dominance, with the US and China leading the charge.
  • A new social contract: Mass unemployment due to AI automation will become a major issue, forcing us to rethink work, wealth, and the very fabric of society.
  • Why this matters: This period will be marked by both immense challenges and unprecedented opportunities. The choices we make during this time will determine the course of the future.

💡 Your Move: Stay informed about the ethical and societal implications of AI. Engage in discussions about Universal Basic Income (UBI), AI safety, and the future of work.

5. 2029-2030: Dawn of the Intelligence Age 🚀

The dust settles, and a new era dawns. An era of unimaginable possibilities.

  • The Renaissance 2.0: The convergence of AI, quantum computing, and advanced robotics unleashes a wave of innovation in medicine, energy, and materials science.
  • Longevity escape velocity: Living to 150, or even 200, could become a reality as AI-powered healthcare unlocks the secrets of aging.
  • A new era of abundance: With AI handling most tasks, humanity is free to pursue creativity, exploration, and self-fulfillment.
  • Why this matters: This is the future we’ve been dreaming of—a world where technology serves humanity, and our potential is limitless.

💡 Your Move: Embrace the unknown! The future is a canvas waiting to be painted. What role will you play in this exciting new world?

Your AI Toolkit 🧰

  • Ray Kurzweil’s Books: Explore the mind-blowing predictions of a futurist who often gets it right (The Singularity is Near, How to Create a Mind).
  • Wait But Why – AI series: A deep dive into the potential and perils of AI, presented in a witty and accessible way. (
  • OpenAI: Stay up-to-date on the latest breakthroughs in AI research and development. (

The future is not predetermined. It’s a story we write together. By understanding the forces shaping the AI revolution, we can ensure a future that benefits all of humanity.

What kind of future will you create?

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