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Jack Roberts
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Last update : 18/09/2024

Chat With Your Videos: Build & Monetize a YouTube AI Co-pilot 🤖💰

Ever wished you could have a conversation with a YouTube video? 🤔 This guide breaks down how to build and monetize a Chrome extension that lets you do just that using the power of GPT-powered AI. 🤯

Why This Matters 💡

Imagine being able to ask a YouTube video specific questions and get instant answers! 🤯 This technology is a game-changer for learning, research, and even entertainment.

GPT-1: The Brains Behind the Operation🧠

GPT-1 is an incredibly powerful AI model that’s changing the game. Here’s why it’s so special:

  • Next-Level Intelligence: It’s smarter than a whip and outperforms many existing AI models. 🧠💪
  • Advanced Thinking: It uses sophisticated reasoning to understand and respond to your requests.
  • Still Growing: And this is just a preview! The full version promises even more mind-blowing capabilities. 🚀

Building Your YouTube Chat AI Co-pilot 🛠️

Here’s the step-by-step process to create your own AI-powered YouTube chat extension:

1. Craft the Perfect Prompt 📝

Start by giving clear instructions to ChatGPT, outlining exactly what you want your extension to do.

Example Prompt:

“I would like you to develop a Chrome extension that enables me to chat with any YouTube video. Add a chat button on the page which, when selected, opens up a chat window. Once a message is sent, send the entire conversation history to [Your Webhook Address].”

2. Bring Your Vision to Life with Code ✨

ChatGPT will generate the code for your extension. Don’t worry if you’re not a coding whiz – the provided instructions will guide you through the process.

Key Files:

  • manifest.json: This file tells Chrome about your extension.
  • content.js: This is where the magic happens – it injects the chat functionality into YouTube.
  • style.css: Make it pretty! This file styles your chat window.
  • popup.html: This creates the structure of your chat window.

3. Connect the Dots with 🔗 is the glue that holds everything together. You’ll use it to:

  • Receive Data: Capture the chat messages and video transcripts.
  • Process Information: Send this data to your GPT-powered AI for analysis.
  • Send Responses: Deliver the AI’s responses back to your Chrome extension.

4. Train Your AI Brain 🧠🏋️‍♀️

Provide your AI with clear instructions on how to analyze the video transcript and conversation history to generate relevant responses.

Example Prompt:

“You are an AI assistant designed to engage in conversations about YouTube videos. You will receive two pieces of information: a transcript of the YouTube video and the conversation history. Your task is to analyze both and provide the next appropriate response in the chat.”

Monetize Your Masterpiece 💰

Now, let’s turn your brilliant creation into a source of income!

1. Set Up a Subscription Service with Stripe 💳

Stripe makes it easy to accept payments and manage subscriptions.

  • Create a Product: Define your subscription plan (e.g., $10/month).
  • Generate a Payment Link: This is what you’ll use to sign up users.

2. Build a Customer Database with Airtable 🗄️

Airtable will store your customer information and API keys.

  • Create a Table: Include fields for name, email, unique ID (API key), and membership status.

3. Automate Everything with 🤖

Connect Stripe and Airtable to to automate the following:

  • New Subscriber: When someone subscribes, automatically generate a unique API key and store their information in Airtable.
  • Send API Key: Email the new subscriber their API key.
  • Validate Users: Every time someone uses your extension, check their API key against your Airtable database to ensure they’re a paying subscriber.

Key Takeaways & Resources 🧰

  • GPT-powered AI is a goldmine: Use it to build innovative products and services.
  • Monetization is within reach: Platforms like Stripe and make it easy to turn your ideas into profitable ventures.
  • The sky’s the limit: This is just the beginning! Get creative and explore the endless possibilities of AI.


Now go forth and build something amazing! 🎉

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