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Last update : 18/09/2024

Building the Ultimate RAG Stack 🤖📚


Ever wondered how to build a top-notch Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system? 🤔 This breakdown, based on groundbreaking research by Wang et al. (2024), reveals the best components and practices for creating a RAG system that’s both powerful and efficient. 🚀 Let’s dive in!

1. Smart Queries: To Retrieve or Not To Retrieve? 🤔

Not all questions require a deep dive into your knowledge base. 💡 Some, like “Who is Missy Elliott?” can be answered directly by a large language model (LLM).

  • Key Insight: Classify queries to determine if retrieval is necessary.
  • Example: A query like “What are the benefits of green tea?” needs retrieval, while “What is the capital of France?” doesn’t.
  • Pro Tip: Train a binary classifier to label queries as “sufficient” (no retrieval) or “insufficient” (retrieval needed).

2. Chunking: Finding the Perfect Bite Size 🍎

Breaking down data into manageable chunks is crucial. Too big, and you’ll add noise; too small, and you’ll lose context.

  • Key Insight: Optimal chunk size varies, but 256-512 tokens often work best.
  • Example: Imagine explaining a complex recipe. Chunking by ingredients makes more sense than chunking by sentences.
  • Pro Tip: Start with smaller chunks for research, then use larger chunks for generation. Experiment with overlapping “sliding windows” to preserve context.

3. Supercharged Search: Hybrid Power 🧲

Combine the strengths of semantic and keyword search for superior retrieval.

  • Key Insight: Hybrid search, using vector search (like semantic search) and BM25 (a classic keyword search method), offers a balanced approach.
  • Example: Think of searching for a specific product online. You might use keywords (“running shoes”) and refine your search based on meaning (“best for trail running”).
  • Pro Tip: Enrich your metadata with keywords, titles, and even hypothetical questions to boost search accuracy.

4. Ranking and Repacking: Prioritizing and Presenting Information 🥇📦

Retrieving documents is just the first step. Ensure the most relevant information is presented to the LLM in the most effective order.

  • Key Insight: Rerank retrieved documents using models like MonoT5 to prioritize relevance. Then, repackage the information for optimal LLM consumption.
  • Example: Imagine searching for “best restaurants in Rome.” Reranking ensures the top results are truly the best, while repackaging might group restaurants by cuisine or price range.
  • Pro Tip: The “reverse method,” presenting documents in ascending order of relevance, can significantly improve LLM performance.

5. Summarization: Cutting to the Chase ✂️

Long prompts are costly and often contain unnecessary information. Summarization helps streamline the process.

  • Key Insight: Use summarization techniques to extract essential information and reduce prompt length.
  • Example: Instead of feeding the LLM an entire Wikipedia article on quantum physics, summarize the key concepts and relevant sections.
  • Pro Tip: Tools like ReCom can help with both extractive (selecting important sentences) and abstractive (synthesizing information) summarization.

6. Fine-Tuning: Training Your LLM for Success 💪

Fine-tuning your LLM with relevant data significantly enhances its ability to handle your specific domain and generate accurate, context-aware responses.

  • Key Insight: Fine-tuning with a mix of relevant and random documents makes your LLM more robust and improves its overall performance.
  • Example: If you’re building a medical diagnosis system, fine-tune your LLM on medical texts and research papers.
  • Pro Tip: While the exact ratio of relevant to random data varies, the paper emphasizes that fine-tuning is a worthwhile investment.

7. Multimodal Magic: Integrating Images 🖼️

For applications involving images, implement multimodal retrieval to unlock new possibilities.

  • Key Insight: Multimodal retrieval allows you to search and retrieve information using both text and images.
  • Example: A user could upload a picture of a landmark and ask, “What is the history of this building?”
  • Pro Tip: Leverage databases specifically designed for storing and searching image data to optimize this process.

Resource Toolbox 🧰

Here are some valuable resources mentioned in the video:

Conclusion 🎉

By following these insights and utilizing the right tools, you can build a RAG system that’s both powerful and efficient. Remember, this is an evolving field, so stay curious, keep experimenting, and continue exploring the exciting world of RAG!

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