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Brendan Jowett
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Last update : 18/09/2024

⏳ Time Saved, Profits Earned: How This Business Leveraged AI to Reclaim 20 Hours a Week 🤖

Have you ever wished you could wave a magic wand and make tedious, repetitive tasks disappear? That’s exactly what this business did using the power of AI! This isn’t about replacing humans, it’s about empowering them to focus on what matters. Let’s dive into how they achieved a remarkable 20-hour workweek reduction through smart automation.

🔍 Identifying the Automation Goldmine: Where Time Goes to Die

The first step to automation success? Pinpointing those time-consuming tasks that drain your energy and resources. In this case, it was the manual management of sales leads.

  • The Problem: A staff member spent 2-3 hours every day reviewing new leads, entering data into the CRM, and notifying the correct sales representative. Talk about tedious!
  • The Solution: Automating this process using a powerful no-code platform ( and the intelligence of ChatGPT.

🤖 Building the AI-Powered Lead Management Machine

This wasn’t just about speeding up an existing process, it was about creating a smarter system. Here’s how they built their AI agent:

  • Lead Capture: The system automatically pulls in leads from three key sources:
    • An AI chatbot on their website 💬
    • Website contact forms 📝
    • Emails from a supplier 📧
  • Data Extraction: AI steps in to extract vital information (like postcodes) from emails, even if the formatting is inconsistent.
  • Intelligent Routing: Based on the extracted data, leads are automatically routed to the correct sales representative in the CRM (Zoho).
  • Seamless Integration: The system updates the CRM, creates tasks, and even posts notifications in team messaging channels – all automatically!

🧠 The AI Advantage: Handling the Unexpected

One of the most impressive aspects of this system is its ability to handle “edge cases” – those unpredictable scenarios that traditional automation struggles with.

  • Example: Imagine a lead submits a contact form but forgets to include their postcode. The AI steps in, analyzes the email content, and if possible, determines the state based on other information.
  • Fallback System: If the AI can’t find the postcode, it automatically sends a follow-up email requesting the missing information.

📈 The Results: Time Saved, Productivity Boosted

The impact of this automation was significant:

  • 20 Hours Saved: The staff member was freed from the tedious task of manual lead management, reclaiming a full workday each week. 🤯
  • Increased Productivity: This time could now be dedicated to more strategic, high-value tasks.
  • Improved Accuracy: AI-powered data extraction reduced the risk of human error.
  • Faster Response Times: Leads were processed and routed instantly, improving customer experience.

🚀 Your Automation Audit: Uncover Hidden Opportunities

Inspired to find your own automation goldmine? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Identify Repetitive Tasks: Look for tasks you perform frequently that follow a predictable pattern.
  2. Consider AI for Edge Cases: Could AI help handle complex scenarios or data inconsistencies?
  3. Explore Automation Tools: Research no-code platforms like to see what’s possible.

Remember: Automation isn’t about replacing humans, it’s about empowering them to do their best work. By automating the tedious, you free up time and energy for creativity, innovation, and growth. 🌱

🧰 Resource Toolbox

Here are some tools to kickstart your automation journey:

By embracing the power of AI and automation, you can unlock new levels of efficiency and free yourself to focus on what truly matters. The future of work is here, and it’s full of exciting possibilities! 🚀

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