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Jack Roberts
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Last update : 18/09/2024

Parking Warriors: Building a Micro AI SaaS 🥷🅿️

Have you ever encountered a parking situation so outrageous it deserved more than just a ticket? This is where Parking Warriors comes in! This guide outlines how to build a micro AI SaaS that empowers parking enforcement officers to document violations with ease, humor, and a touch of AI magic.

🏗️ Building the System

This micro SaaS leverages the power of three key components:

1. Softr: The User Interface 💻

Softr acts as the front-end of our application, providing a user-friendly interface for parking enforcement officers.

  • User Accounts: Officers can create accounts, allowing them to access and manage their parking violation reports.
  • Data Display: Softr fetches data from our database (Airtable) and displays it in an organized manner. Officers can view images, audio recordings, and AI-generated reports.
  • Secure Access: The system ensures that officers only see reports they’ve created, maintaining data privacy.

2. Airtable: The Data Hub 🗄️

Airtable serves as the central repository for all the information gathered.

  • Structured Storage: Airtable stores data in a structured format, including images, audio files, transcripts, and AI-generated reports.
  • Organized Records: Each parking violation is stored as a separate record, making it easy to track and manage.
  • Data Integrity: Airtable ensures data accuracy and consistency, crucial for generating reliable reports.

3. Make: The Automation Engine 🤖

Make acts as the brains of the operation, connecting Softr and Airtable and orchestrating the AI magic.

  • Data Flow: Make receives data from Softr (images, audio) and sends it to the appropriate AI models for processing.
  • AI Analysis: Make integrates with AI models for image description (Vision API) and audio transcription (Whisper API).
  • Report Generation: Make combines AI insights with user input to generate custom, humorous parking violation reports.

🤖 The AI Workflow

  1. Capture: An officer witnesses a parking violation and uses the Softr app to capture an image and an audio recording describing the situation.
  2. Upload: The app sends the image and audio to Make.
  3. Transcription: Make uses the Whisper API to transcribe the audio recording into text.
  4. Image Description: Make utilizes the Vision API to generate a detailed description of the image.
  5. Report Generation: Make combines the image description, audio transcript, and officer’s email into a prompt for ChatGPT. ChatGPT then crafts a humorous and informative parking violation report.
  6. Storage: The report, along with all the associated data, is stored in Airtable.
  7. Access: The officer can access and manage their reports through their Softr account.

✨ Key Features

  • Customizable Reports: Tailor the tone and content of the reports to match the desired level of humor and formality.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Officers can easily use the app on their smartphones, making it convenient for on-the-go reporting.
  • Scalable: The system can handle a large volume of reports, making it suitable for parking enforcement companies of all sizes.

🧰 Resource Toolbox

🚀 Take Action!

This guide provides a blueprint for building a unique and valuable micro SaaS. Experiment with different AI models, customize the reports, and explore new features to create a parking enforcement tool that stands out from the crowd!

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